Thesdk core classes


Superclass class of TheSyDeKick - universal System Development Kit. Provides commmon methods and utility classes for other classes in TheSyDeKick.

Created by Marko Kosunen,, 2017.

Documentation instructions

Current docstring documentation style is Numpy

This text here is to remind you that documentation is important. However, you may find out that even the documentation of this entity may be outdated and incomplete. Regardless of that, every day and in every way we are getting better and better :).

class thesdk.thesdk[source]

Following class attributes are set when this class imported


Directory ../../../ counting from location file of thesdkclass. Used as a reference point for other locations








List of directories under HOME/Entities that contain file. Appended to sys.path to locate TheSyDeKick system modules




Default logfile: /tmp/TheSDK_randomstr_uname_YYYYMMDDHHMM.log Override with initlog if you want something else




List of global parameters to be read to GLOBALS dictionary from CONFIGFILE




Dictionary of global parameters, keys defined by global_parameters, values defined in CONFIGFILE



classmethod initlog(*arg)[source]

Initializes logging. logfile passed as a parameter

property DEBUG

Set this to True if you want the debug messages printed

property print_relative_path

True (default) | False

If True, print all paths relative to the entity path. If False, paths are printed as is (typically absolute paths).

property _classfile

Defines the location of the classfile.

Returns: <path>/Entities/<entity>/<entity>

property entitypath

Path to entity. Extracted from the location of file.

property model

Simulation model to be used

‘py’ | ‘sv’ | ‘vhdl’ | ‘eldo’ | ‘spectre’ | ‘ngspice’ | ‘hw’ | ‘icarus’ | ‘ghdl’

property simpathroot


Simulation path root.

Default self.entitypath

property simpath


Simulation path. (./simulations/<model>/<runname>) This is not meant to be set manually. Use ‘simpathroot’ to relocate.

property has_lsf

True | False (default)

True if LSFINTERACTIVE and LSFSUBMISSION global veriables are defined in TheSDK.config.

property preserve_iofiles

True | False (default)

If True, do not delete IO files after simulations. Useful for debugging the file IO

property pickle_excludes

Properties of entity to be excluded from pickling when saving entity state to disk. Useful for filtering out e.g. lambdas and other non-serializable objects.


[‘_par’, ‘_queue’, ‘generator’, ‘virtuoso_interface’]




Method to copy attributes form parent.



Attributes listed in proplist attribute of ‘some_thesdkclass’ are copied from self to a, if and only if both self and a define the property mentioned in the proplist. Implemented by including following code at the end of __init__ method of every entity:

if len(arg)>=1:
    self.parent =parent;

Method to print messages to ‘logfile’



type: str

’I’ = Information ‘D’ = Debug. Enabled by setting the Debug-attribute of an instance to true ‘W’ = Warning ‘E’ = Error ‘F’ = Fatal, quits the execution ‘O’ = Obsolete, used for obsolition warnings.

msg: str

The messge to be printed


Timer decorator

Print execution time of member functions of classes inheriting thesdk to the logfile.

The timer is applied by decorating the function to be timed with @thesdk.timer. For example, calling a function calculate_something() belonging to an example class calculator(thesdk), would print the following:

class calculator(thesdk):

    def calculate_something(self):
        # Time-consuming calculations here
        return result

>> calc = calculator()
>> result = calc.calculate_something()
10:25:17 INFO at calculator: Finished 'calculate_something' in 0.758 s.
>> print(result)
silence(show_error=True, debug=False)[source]

Context manager to redirect stdout (and optional errors) to /dev/null. Useful for cleaning up verbose function outputs. The silencing can be bypassed by setting debug=True. Errors are let through by default, but error messages can be silenced also by setting show_error=False. Silences only Python outputs (external commands such as spectre can still write to stdout).

To silence (prevent printing to stdout) of a section of code:

print('This is printed normally')
with self.silence():
    print('This will not be printed')
print('This is again printed normally')
property par

True | False (default)

Property defines whether parallel run is intended or not

property queue

Property holding the queue for parallel run result


Run instances in parallel and collect results

Usage: Takes in a set of instances, runs a given method for them, and saves result data to the original instances.

Results are returned as a dictionary. The dictionary can include IOS, which are saved to IOS of the original instance. Otherwise non-IO key-value pairs are saved as members of self.extracts.Members for the original instance. This is an example of returning both IOS and other data (place at the end of your simulation method, e.g. run()):

if self.par:
    ret_dict = {'NF' : 25}
    ret_dict.update(self.IOS.Members) #Adds IOS to return dictionary

Some simulator modules can populate the extracts-bundle with generic extracted parameters. To pass this dictionary to the original instance, following example can be used:

if self.par:
    # Combine IOS and extracts into one dictionary
    ret_dict = {**self.IOS.Members,**self.extracts.Members}


duts: list

List of instances you want to simulate

method: str

Method called for each instance (default: run)

max_jobs: int

Maximum number of concurrent jobs. Unlimited by default.

property IOS

Bundle of IO’s

Property holding the IOS





property extracts


Bundle for holding the returned results from simulations that are not attributes or IOs.


property netlist_params


List of strings containing the parameters of a netlist. List is populated by calling ecd_methods.get_params(). Empty if no parameters were found in the netlist.

property print_colors

True (default) | False

Enable color tags in log print messages.

property runname


Automatically generated name for the simulation.

Formatted as timestamp_randomtag, i.e. ‘20201002103638_tmpdbw11nr4’. Can be overridden by assigning self.runname = ‘myname’.


self.runname = 'test'

would generate the simulation files in simulations/<model>/test/.

property statepath


Path where the entity state is stored and where existing states are loaded from.

property statedir


Path to the most recently stored state.

property save_state

True | False (default)

Save the entity state after simulation (including output data). Any stored state can be loaded using the matching state name passed to the load_state property. The state is saved to savestatepath by default.

property load_state

String (default ‘’)

Feature for loading results of previous simulation. When calling run() with this property set, the simulation is not re-executed, but the entity state and output data will be read from the saved state. The string value should be the runname of the desired simulation.

Loading the most recent result automatically:

self.load_state = 'last'
# or
self.load_state = 'latest'

Loading a specific past result using the runname:

self.load_state = '20201002103638_tmpdbw11nr4'

List available results by providing any non-existent runname:

self.load_state = 'this_does_not_exist'
property load_state_full

True (default) | False

Whether to load the full entity state or not. If False, only IOs are loaded in order to not override the entity state otherwise. In that case, bundles IOS and extracts are updated.


Write the entity state to a binary file.

This should be called after the simulation has finished.


Read the entity state from a binary file.

property iofile_bundle


A thesdk.Bundle containing iofile objects. The iofile objects are automatically added to this Bundle, nothing should be manually added.


Method to delete all files in iofile bundle

For each of the member of the bundle of type iofile, it calls ‘remove’ method. In case modifications are needed, define class for desired iofile type with remove method.

class thesdk.IO(**kwargs)[source]

TheSyDeKick IO class. Child of thesdk to utilize logging method.

The IOs of an entity must be defined as:


and referred to as:



Data: numpy_array, None

Sets the Data attribute during the initialization

property _classfile

Defines the location of the classfile.

Returns: <path>/Entities/<entity>/<entity>

property Data

Data value of this IO

Iofile package

Provides Common file-io related attributes and methods for TheSyDeKinck

This package defines the CSF IO-file format and methods for all supported simulators. Intention is to keep as much of the file io as general adn common as possible. The simulator specific file-io functions should be written in simulator specific file-io packages.

Initially written for Verilog file-io by Marko Kosunen,, Yue Dai, 2018

Generalized for common file-io by Marko Kosunen,, 2019.

class thesdk.iofile.iofile(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Class to provide file IO for external simulators.

When created, adds an iofile object to the parents iofile_bundle attribute. Accessible as iofile_bundle.Members[‘name’].


Initiated in parent as:


  • parent (object, None) – The parent object initializing the iofile instance. Default None

  • **kwargs

    name: str

    Name of the file. Appended with random string during the simulation.

    param: str, -g g_file

    The string defining the testbench parameter to be be passed to the simulator at command line.

adopt(parent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Redefine the parent entity of the file. Afrects where the file is written during the simulation

property datatype

Type of the data. Controls the reading and writing of the data ‘complex’ | ‘int’ | ‘scomplex’ | ‘sint’ | object

int | sint:

Values of the data are handled as unsigned or signed integers

complex | scomplex:

It is assumed that each column of the Data represents a complex number with integer real and imaginary parts. This is typical for RTL simulations. when the data is read or written, the columns are treated as Real Imag pairs. When writing, columns are split to two, when reading, adjacent colums are merged


Values are read and written as defined by the ‘dtype’ parameter of the read method. Default is object.

property dir

Direction of the iofile, in | out

property file

Name of the IO file to be read or written.

property ionames

Names of the DUT signals represented by the colums of the data. Two elements per colums should be given, if the type is complex or scomplex.

property iotype

sample | event


IO is synchronized with a sampling clock. Each of the rows represents the data valua at known sample insatnce


IO is asynchronous. The first colums of the file should be the time of the event


Type of the IO


Method to read the file



datatype: str, self.datatype

Controls if the data is read in as complex or real

dtype: str, ‘object’

The datatype of the actual file. Default is object, i.e data is first read to internal variable as string. This is a help parameter to give more control over reading.


Remove the file


Method to write the file

Sets the ‘dir’ attribute to ‘in’, because only input files are written.



data: numpy_array, self.Data

Data to be written.

datatype: str, self.Datatype

Datatype of the data.

iotype: str, self.iotype

IO type of the IO file.