Questasim is a mixin class it is used to provide simulator specific
properties and methods for RTL class
Initially written by Marko kosunen 20221030
from thesdk import *
class questasim(thesdk):
def questasim_rtlcmd(self):
rtllibcmd = 'vlib ' + self.rtlworkpath
rtllibmapcmd = 'vmap work ' + self.rtlworkpath
vlogmodulesstring=' '.join(self.vloglibfilemodules + [ self.rtlsimpath + '/'+
str(param) for param in self.vlogmodulefiles ])
vhdlmodulesstring=' '.join(self.vhdllibfileentities + [ self.rtlsimpath + '/'+
str(param) for param in self.vhdlentityfiles])
if not self.add_tb_timescale:
timescalestring = ' -t ' + self.rtl_timescale
timescalestring = ''
# The following cases are possible
# Testbench is sv OR testbench is vhdl, identified with 'lang'
# source is verilog OR source is vhdl, identified by 'model
# Has additional source files in the 'other' language, identified by 'cosim'
# In total, 8 cases
if self.lang=='sv' and self.model=='sv':
#We need to compile verilog testbench and simdut anyway.
vlogcompcmd = ( 'vlog -sv -work work ' + vlogmodulesstring
+ ' ' + self.simdut + ' ' + self.simtb + ' ' + ' '.join(self.vlogcompargs))
# Define hdll compcmd, if we have cosim
if len(vhdlmodulesstring) == 0:
vhdlcompcmd = ' echo '' > /dev/null '
vhdlcompcmd = ( 'vcom -2008 -work work ' + ' '
+ vhdlmodulesstring + ' ' + ' '.join(self.vhdlcompargs))
elif self.lang=='sv' and self.model=='vhdl':
#We need to compile vhdl sources anyway, but no testbench
vhdlcompcmd = ( 'vcom -2008 -work work ' + ' ' +
vhdlmodulesstring + ' ' + self.vhdlsrc )
#We need to compile verilog testbench anyway, but simdut is in vhdl
vlogcompcmd = ( 'vlog -sv -work work ' + vlogmodulesstring
+ ' ' + self.simtb )
vlogcompcmd = ( 'vlog -sv -work work ' + vlogmodulesstring
+ ' ' + self.simtb + ' ' + ' '.join(self.vlogcompargs))
elif self.lang=='vhdl' and self.model=='sv':
# We need to compile VHDL testbench anyway, but not the source
vhdlcompcmd = ( 'vcom -2008 -work work ' + ' ' +
vhdlmodulesstring + ' ' + self.simtb )
#We need to compile verilog simdut anyway.
vlogcompcmd = ( 'vlog -sv -work work ' + vlogmodulesstring
+ ' ' + self.simdut + ' '.join(self.vlogcompargs))
elif self.lang=='vhdl' and self.model=='vhdl':
# We need to compile VHDL source and testbench anyway
vhdlcompcmd = ( 'vcom -2008 -work work ' + ' ' + vhdlmodulesstring
+ ' ' + self.vhdlsrc + ' ' + self.simtb )
# Define vlog compcmd, if we have cosim
if len(vlogmodulesstring) == 0:
vlogcompcmd = ' echo '' > /dev/null '
vlogcompcmd = ( 'vlog -sv -work work ' + vlogmodulesstring )
gstring = ' '.join([
('-g ' + str(param) +'='+ str(val[1]))
for param,val in self.rtlparameters.items()
vlogsimargs = ' '.join(self.vlogsimargs)
for name, file in self.iofile_bundle.Members.items():
fileparams+=' '+file.simparam
if os.path.isfile(controlfile):
controlstring=' -do "'+controlfile+'"'
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Using control file %s' % controlfile)
controlstring=' -do "run -all; quit;"'
self.print_log(type='I',msg='No simulator control file set.')
if os.path.isfile(interactive_controlfile):
interactive_string=' -do "'+ interactive_controlfile+'"'
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Using interactive control file %s' % interactive_controlfile)
interactive_string=' -do "run -all; quit;"'
self.print_log(type='I',msg='No interactive control file set.')
# Choose command
if not self.interactive_rtl:
rtlsimcmd = ( 'vsim -64 -batch' + timescalestring + ' -voptargs=+acc '
+ fileparams + ' ' + gstring
+ ' ' + vlogsimargs + ' work.tb_' + self.name
+ controlstring)
submission="" #Local execution
rtlsimcmd = ( 'vsim -64 ' + timescalestring + ' -novopt ' + fileparams
+ ' ' + gstring + ' ' + vlogsimargs + ' work.tb_' + self.name
+ interactive_string )
self._rtlcmd = rtllibcmd
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + rtllibmapcmd
# Commpile dependencies first.
if self.lang == 'sv':
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + vhdlcompcmd
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + vlogcompcmd
elif self.lang == 'vhdl':
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + vlogcompcmd
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + vhdlcompcmd
self._rtlcmd += ' && sync ' + self.rtlworkpath
self._rtlcmd += ' && ' + submission
self._rtlcmd += rtlsimcmd
return self._rtlcmd
def questasim_simdut(self):
''' Source file for Device Under Test in simulations directory
self.rtlsimpath + self.name + self.vlogext for 'sv' model
self.rtlsimpath + self.name + '.vhd' for 'vhdl' model
extension = None
if self.model == 'sv':
extension = self.vlogext
if self.model == 'vhdl':
extension = '.vhd'
self._simdut = os.path.join(self.rtlsimpath, self.name+extension)
return self._simdut
def questasim_simtb(self):
''' Questasim testbench source file in simulations directory.
This file and it's format is dependent on the language(s)
supported by the simulator. Currently we have support only for verilog testbenches.
if self.lang == 'sv':
if self.lang == 'vhdl':
return self._simtb
def questasim_dofilepaths(self):
dofiledir = '%s/interactive_control_files/modelsim' % self.entitypath
dofile = '%s/dofile.do' % dofiledir
obsoletefile = '%s/Simulations/rtlsim/dofile.do' % self.entitypath
generateddofile = '%s/dofile.do' % self.simpath
return (dofiledir, dofile, obsoletefile, generateddofile)
def questasim_controlfilepaths(self):
controlfiledir = '%s/interactive_control_files/modelsim' % self.entitypath
controlfile = '%s/control.do' % controlfiledir
generatedcontrolfile = '%s/control.do' % self.simpath
return (controlfiledir, controlfile, generatedcontrolfile)