Source code for rtl.testbench


Testbench utility module for TheSyDeKick. Contains attributes and methods to
construct a Verilog or VHDL testbench for a provided DUT module/entity, parse 
its IO and parameter definitions and construct a structured testbench with clock and file IO.

Utilizes logging method from thesdk.

Initially written by Marko Kosunen 20190108,
Refactored from 'testbench' by Marko Kosunen 20221119,
import os
import sys
import pdb
from rtl.testbench_common import testbench_common
from import verilog_testbench
from rtl.vhdl.vhdl_testbench import vhdl_testbench

[docs] class testbench(testbench_common): """ Testbench class. Extends `module` through 'testbench_commom' """ def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """ Executes init of testbench_common, thus having the same attributes and parameters. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : See module testbench_common """ #This should be language specific. super().__init__(parent=parent,**kwargs) @property def langmodule(self): """The language specific operation is defined with an instance of language specific class. Properties and methods return values from that class. """ if not hasattr(self,'_langmodule'): if self.lang == 'sv': self._langmodule=verilog_testbench( parent=self.parent, file=self.file,, instname=self.instname) elif self.lang == 'vhdl': self._langmodule=vhdl_testbench( parent=self.parent, file=self.file,, instname=self.instname) return self._langmodule @property def iofiles(self): return self.langmodule.iofiles @iofiles.setter def iofiles(self,val): self.langmodule.iofiles = val @property def connectors(self): """Overload to pass values to langmodule. """ if not hasattr(self.langmodule,'_connectors'): self.langmodule.connectors=rtl_connector_bundle(lang=self.lang) return self.langmodule.connectors @connectors.setter def connectors(self,val): self.langmodule.connectors = val @property def assignment_matchlist(self): if not hasattr(self.langmodule,'_assignment_matchlist'): self.langmodule.assignment_matchlist=[] return self.langmodule.assignment_matchlist @assignment_matchlist.setter def assignment_matchlist(self,val): self.langmodule.assignment_matchlist = val @property def content_parameters(self): """ Parameters used inside the testbench Dict of name: (type,value) """ return self.langmodule.content_parameters @content_parameters.setter def content_parameters(self,val): self.langmodule.content_parameters=val @property def verilog_instances(self): """Verilog instances Bundle to be added to tesbench Todo Need to handle VHDL instance too. """ if not hasattr(self,'_verilog_instances'): self._verilog_instances=Bundle() return self._verilog_instances
[docs] def verilog_instance_add(self,**kwargs): """Add verilog instance to the Bundle fro a file Parameters ---------- **kwargs: name : str name of the module file : File defining the module """ # TODO: need to handle vhdl instances too name=kwargs.get('name') file=kwargs.get('file') self.verilog_instances.Members[name]=verilog_module(file=file,instname=name) # Addc connectors from the imported instance self.connectors.update(bundle=self.verilog_instances.Members[name].io_signals.Members)
@property def parameter_definitions(self): """Parameter and variable definition strings of the testbench """ return self.langmodule.parameter_definitions @property def connector_definitions(self): """Verilog register and wire definition, VHDL signal strings. """ return self.langmodule.connector_definitions
[docs] def assignments(self,**kwargs): """Wire/signal assingment strings """ return self.langmodule.assignments
@property def iofile_definitions(self): """IOfile definition strings """ return self.langmodule.iofile_definitions @property def clock_definition(self): """Clock definition string Todo Create append mechanism to add more clocks. """ return self.langmodule.clock_definitions @property def iofile_close(self): """File close procedure for all IO files. """ return self.langmodule.iofile_close @property def end_condition(self): """ RTL structure that sets the thesdk_simulation_completed to true. Default for VHDL: 'thesdk_simulation_completed <= thesdk_file_io_completed;' """ return self.langmodle._end_condition @end_condition.setter def end_condition(self,value): self.langmodule._end_condition = value @property def misccmd(self): """String Miscellaneous command string corresponding to self.rtlmisc -list in the parent entity. """ return self.langmodule.misccmd @misccmd.setter def misccmd(self,value): self.langmodule.misccmd=value @misccmd.deleter def misccmd(self,value): self.langmodule.misccmd=None # This method
[docs] def define_testbench(self): """Defines the tb connectivity, creates reset and clock, and initializes them to zero """ self.langmodule.define_testbench()
[docs] def connect_inputs(self): """Define connections to DUT inputs. """ # Create TB connectors from the control file # See for ioname,val in self.parent.IOS.Members.items(): if val.iotype != 'file': self.parent.iofile_bundle.Members[ioname].rtl_connectors=\ self.connectors.list(names=val.ionames) if val.dir == 'in': # Data must be properly shaped self.parent.iofile_bundle.Members[ioname].Data=self.parent.IOS.Members[ioname].Data elif val.iotype == 'file': #If the type is file, the Data is a bundle for bname,bval in val.Data.Members.items(): if val.dir == 'in': # Adoption transfers parenthood of the files to this instance self.IOS.Members[ioname].Data.Members[bname].adopt(parent=self) for connector in bval.rtl_connectors: self.tb.connectors.Members[]=connector # Connect them to DUT try: self.dut.ios.Members[].connect=connector except: pass # Copy iofile simulation parameters to testbench for name, val in self.iofile_bundle.Members.items(): self.tb.parameters.Members.update(val.rtlparam) # Define the iofiles of the testbench. ' # Needed for creating file io routines self.tb.iofiles=self.iofile_bundle
@property def definition(self): '''Entity definition part extracted for the file. Contains generics and IO definitions. Overloads the property inherited from 'module', as wish to control whan we generate the headers. '''
[docs] def generate_contents(self): """Call language specific contents generator. """ self.langmodule.generate_contents()
if __name__=="__main__": pass