Spice Testbench
Testbench generation class for spice simulations.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import shlex
import fileinput
import shutil
from thesdk import *
from spice.testbench_common import testbench_common
from spice.ngspice.ngspice_testbench import ngspice_testbench
from spice.eldo.eldo_testbench import eldo_testbench
from spice.spectre.spectre_testbench import spectre_testbench
from spice.spice_module import spice_module
import pdb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce
import textwrap
from datetime import datetime
class testbench(testbench_common):
This class generates all testbench contents.
This class is utilized by the main spice class.
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
""" Executes init of testbench_common, thus having the same attributes and
**kwargs :
See module testbench_common
#This should be language specific.
def DEBUG(self):
""" This fixes DEBUG prints in spice_iofile, by propagating the DEBUG
flag of the parent entity.
return self.parent.DEBUG
def testbench_simulator(self):
""" The simulator specific operation is defined with an instance of
simulator specific class. Properties and methods return values from that class.
:type: ngspice_testbench
:type: eldo_testbench
:type: spectre_testbench
if not hasattr(self,'_testbench_simulator'):
if self.model == 'ngspice':
if self.model == 'eldo':
if self.model == 'spectre':
return self._testbench_simulator
def dut(self):
""" Design under test
:type: spice_module
if not hasattr(self,'_dut'):
self._dut = spice_module(file=self._dutfile,parent=self.parent)
return self._dut
# Generating eldo/spectre parameters string
def parameters(self):
Spice parameters string parsed from self.spiceparameters -dictionary in
the parent entity.
if not hasattr(self,'_parameters'):
self._parameters = "%s Parameters\n" % self.parent.spice_simulator.commentchar
for parname,parval in self.parent.spiceparameters.items():
self._parameters += self.parent.spice_simulator.parameter + ' ' + str(parname) + "=" + str(parval) + "\n"
return self._parameters
def parameters(self,value):
def parameters(self,value):
# Generating eldo/spectre library inclusion string
def libcmd(self):
"""str : Library inclusion string. Parsed from self.spicecorner -dictionary in
the parent entity, as well as 'ELDOLIBFILE' or 'SPECTRELIBFILE' global
variables in TheSDK.config.
return self.testbench_simulator.libcmd
def libcmd(self,value):
self.testbench_simulator.libcmd = value
# Generating netlist inclusion string
def includecmd(self):
Subcircuit inclusion string pointing to generated subckt_* -file.
if not hasattr(self,'_includecmd'):
self._includecmd = "%s Subcircuit file\n" % self.parent.spice_simulator.commentchar
self._includecmd += "%s \"%s\"\n" % (self.parent.spice_simulator.include,self._subcktfile)
return self._includecmd
def includecmd(self,value):
def includecmd(self,value):
def copy_dspf(self):
for cell in self.parent.dspf:
src = os.path.join(self.parent.spicesrcpath, '%s.pex.dspf' % cell)
dest = os.path.join(self.parent.spicesimpath, '%s.pex.dspf' % cell)
shutil.copy(src, dest)
self.print_log(type='F',msg='Could not copy DSPF for cell %s to %s' %(cell, dest))
# DSPF include commands
def dspfincludecmd(self):
DSPF-file inclusion string pointing to files corresponding to self.dspf
in the parent entity.
if not hasattr(self,'_dspfincludecmd'):
if len(self.parent.dspf) > 0:
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Including exctracted parasitics from DSPF.')
self._dspfincludecmd = "%s Extracted parasitics\n" % self.parent.spice_simulator.commentchar
origcellmatch = re.compile(r"DESIGN")
for cellname in self.parent.dspf:
dspfpath = '%s/%s.pex.dspf' % (self.parent.spicesimpath,cellname)
found = False
with open(dspfpath) as dspffile:
lines = dspffile.readlines()
for line in lines:
# This mathch only check if there is a DESIGN in dpsf file.
if origcellmatch.search(line) != None:
words = line.split()
cellname = words[-1].replace('\"','')
if cellname.lower() == self.parent.name.lower():
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Found DSPF cell name matching to original top-level cell name.')
found = True
elif cellname.lower() == self.dut.custom_subckt_name.lower():
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Found DSPF cellname matching to custom_subckt_name: %s.' % cellname)
found = True
# Break looping once found
if found:
# Match is case insensitive, we will rename for perfect match.
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Renaming DSPF top cell name accordingly from "%s" to "%s".' % (cellname,self.parent.name))
with fileinput.FileInput(dspfpath,inplace=True,backup='.bak') as f:
for line in f:
self.print_log(type='F',msg='No DESIGN string in DSPF matching %s or %s. Aborting' %(self.parent.name, self.dut.custom_subckt_name))
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Including DSPF-file: %s' % dspfpath)
self._dspfincludecmd += "%s \"%s\"\n" % (self.parent.spice_simulator.dspfinclude,dspfpath)
self.print_log(type='F',msg='No DESIGN string in DSPF matching %s or %s. Aborting' %(self.parent.name, self.dut.custom_subckt_name))
self._dspfincludecmd = ''
if len(self.parent.postlayout_subckts) > 0:
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Including exctracted parasitics from subcircuit DSPF.')
self._dspfincludecmd = "%s Extracted subcircuit parasitics\n" % self.parent.spice_simulator.commentchar
for dspf in self.parent.postlayout_subckts:
dspfpath = '%s/%s.pex.dspf' % (self.parent.spicesrcpath,dspf)
if os.path.exists(dspfpath):
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Including subcircuit DSPF-file: %s' % dspfpath)
self._dspfincludecmd += "%s \"%s\"\n" % (self.parent.spice_simulator.dspfinclude,dspfpath)
self.print_log(type='W',msg='No such file or directory %s.'%dspfpath)
return self._dspfincludecmd
def dspfincludecmd(self,value):
def dspfincludecmd(self,value):
def misccmd(self):
Miscellaneous command string corresponding to self.spicemisc -list in
the parent entity.
if not hasattr(self,'_misccmd'):
self._misccmd="%s Manual commands\n" % (self.parent.spice_simulator.commentchar)
mcmd = self.parent.spicemisc
for cmd in mcmd:
self._misccmd += cmd + "\n"
return self._misccmd
def misccmd(self,value):
def misccmd(self,value):
def dcsourcestr(self):
"""str : DC source definitions parsed from spice_dcsource objects instantiated
in the parent entity.
return self.testbench_simulator.dcsourcestr
def dcsourcestr(self,value):
self.testbench_simulator.dcsourcestr = value
def inputsignals(self):
"""str : Input signal definitions parsed from spice_iofile objects instantiated
in the parent entity.
return self.testbench_simulator.inputsignals
def simcmdstr(self):
"""str : Simulation command definition parsed from spice_simcmd object
instantiated in the parent entity.
return self.testbench_simulator.simcmdstr
# Generating plot and print commands
def plotcmd(self):
"""str : All output IOs are mapped to plot or print statements in the testbench.
Also manual plot commands through `spice_simcmd.plotlist` are handled here.
return self.testbench_simulator.plotcmd
def export(self,**kwargs):
Internally called function to write the testbench to a file.
force : Bool, False
force=kwargs.get('force', False)
if self.parent.postlayout and len(self.parent.dspf) == 0 and len(self.parent.postlayout_subckts) == 0:
self.print_log(type='W',msg='No top-cell dspf or subcircuit dspf for postlayout simulation. Are you using some other netlist format?')
self.print_log(type='W',msg=f'Exporting subcircuit, but simulation is not postlayout unless {self.parent.spicesrc} is postlayout netlist!')
self.dut.export_subckts(file=self._subcktfile, force=force)
if not os.path.isfile(self.file):
self.print_log(type='D',msg='Exporting spice testbench to %s' %(self.file))
with open(self.file, "w") as module_file:
elif os.path.isfile(self.file) and not kwargs.get('force'):
self.print_log(type='F', msg=('Export target file %s exists.\n Force overwrite with force=True.' %(self.file)))
elif kwargs.get('force'):
self.print_log(type='I',msg='Forcing overwrite of spice testbench to %s.' %(self.file))
with open(self.file, "w") as module_file:
def generate_contents(self):
Internally called function to generate testbench contents.
self.contents = (self.header + "\n" +
self.libcmd + "\n" +
self.includecmd + "\n" +
self.dspfincludecmd + "\n" +
self.options + "\n" +
self.parameters + "\n" +
self.dut.instance + "\n\n" +
self.misccmd + "\n" +
self.dcsourcestr + "\n" +
self.inputsignals + "\n" +
self.simcmdstr + "\n" +
self.plotcmd + "\n" +